still looking
Still looking for the point of it all? Writing poetry, that is. The looking is either a sign of serious derailing, never having known to begin with, or, more likely, the point of it all.
Try this, from Stanley Plumly's latest book, POSTHUMOUS KEATS. "If poetry 'makes nothing happen' [Auden's lament] and if we despise any poetry 'that has designs' upon us[Keats's complaint], then what are we left with? If poetry is dreaming, what makes it real?" Plumly, of course, is trying to locate the function of poetry as Keats saw it, and since Keats thought of poetry as dreaming--waking dreaming, dreaming done with something like a purpose, not a 'design', behind it--, to what end? Plumly concludes: to see. "To see as a poet, a true dreamer, is to see as a healer and a knower." The seer being a visionary, not a photo-journalist. This idea has big arms, arms with which to clasp a great deal, hence room for not a little difference.
Which is why we have poetry.
Hello Roger!
I'm "still looking," too. Been looking for at least fifteen years now. I am happy to tell you that I got over the first few big hurdles, the biggest hurdle being the one with this emblazoned across it: IS MY WORK ANY GOOD? Well, I found out that it doesn't matter. I'm "locked in" as they say, and though I'm not always comfortable with my lease, I know I do what I do, and that's that. I can comfortably call myself a poet now because the habit doesn't seem to be going anywhere.
UMass is outstanding, and I am finally learning to send my work around. Rejection never really stung; that wasn't/isn't the problem. The problem was/is that publishing always seemed totally unnecessary. Publication has never been my motor, but hopefully soon it will be my chauffeur. Shabby caddie that'll be.
Anyway, I'd love to be in touch more thoroughly soon. I've love to select five poems to send you.
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